Workflow Evansville

Holiday Schedules

Your trash and recycling pick-up times may vary during a holiday week. Here are schedule changes for 2023. 

New Year’s Day

Pickup will be delayed by one day due to the holiday. 

Martin Luther King Jr. Day

Pickup will be delayed by one day due to the holiday.

Memorial Day

Pickup will be delayed by one day due to the holiday. 

Independence Day 

Pickup will be delayed by one day due to the holiday. Independence Day is observed by our office on July 4 and there will be no service that day. Service will run on a one-day delay. 

Labor Day

Pickup will be delayed by one day due to the holiday. 

Thanksgiving Day

Pickup will be delayed by one day due to the holiday. 

Christmas Day

Republic Services will not operate on Christmas Day or New Year's Day. Trash and recycling pickups will be delayed one day for the remainder of the week due to the holiday.

For More Information

Trash, recycling and street sweeping are managed by Republic Services of Evansville. Contact Republic Services at 800-886-3345 for more information.