Want to know about upcoming Evansville Water and Sewer Utility projects and activities and how they may impact your neighborhood? You may attend Water and Sewer Utility Board meetings in person, watch meetings live online or search our archive to view video of past meetings. Agendas are typically posted one to two business days prior to each meeting.
The Water and Sewer Utility Board meets every other Tuesday at 3 p.m. at Sunrise Pump Station, 1200 Waterworks Road.
The meeting agenda is posted outside the room prior to the meeting. Please note board meeting dates and times are subject to change with advance public notice.
Board Meetings are streamed live online. Visit the AccessEVC page to watch the meeting and view the agenda. The link, View Event, will appear when the meeting begins. The live stream will end at the conclusion of the meeting.
The Evansville Water and Sewer Utility Board is responsible for the operation of the Water and Sewer Utilities for the City of Evansville, Indiana. Visit the City and County Boards & Commissions page to view all of their members.
If you can’t attend a meeting, or watch live online, the AccessEVC page also includes an online video archive. Click For Archived Events, then click Water and Sewer Utility Board and select the year the meeting occurred.